The State of The Union

The future of remote work, housing trends, recreating, travel + more…

1 min readSep 8, 2021

MOBLHOM was built in response to the traditional rental model and the proliferation of the sharing economy. We realize (now more than ever) the dynamics of demand and the way things (usually) work are changing. As these changes continue — and trends accelerate — the question many people are asking is “What will the future look like?” Below are some big questions, trends, helpful tips and tools, as well as shifts in consciousness we’re watching …

💻 How to be Effective at Working Remotely. MEDIUM

🔥16 of the best US cities and towns to visit in the fall. INSIDER

🏙 The State of the Rental Market. APARTMENT GUIDE

🏡 It’s A Hot Summer For Landlords, As Prices Continue To Bounce Back. FORBES

🌲Here’s how you can be a volunteer scientist. NAT GEO

Have you noticed trends or shifts worth talking about? Let us know.

